Madras Agricultural Journal
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Paddy Straw Mushroom


                                Mushrooms represent the spore-bearing (reproductive) portions of a group of fungi, coming above ground. The vegetative portion consisting of a system (or mycelium) of thread like branched structures called the 'spawn' remains underground. Mushrooms are of various shapes, sizes and colours. Some these are edible and can be made into delicious dishes. But there are many which are poisoncus and if any of these species are unwittingly consumed, it may lead to fatal consequences Edible mush- rooms are cultivated on a large scale in Europe and America Psalliota campestris is the species that is grown in most of these countries. The cultivation of this mushroom is a specialised art But this species grows only in cool places with temperature below 70°F As such it is not possible to grow this species on the plains districts of our province. In various parts of our province several species of mushrooms come up during the rains or in the cooler months (October-December). These are gathered and used by village folk or offered for sale. But these are avail- able only for a short period and only experienced people can differentiate between edible and poisonous mushrooms.

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