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Data Sharing Policy - MAJ

Data Sharing Policy in MAJ

MAJ is dedicated to promoting transparency, reproducibility, and the advancement of scientific knowledge. To uphold these principles, we have established the following Data Sharing and Reproducibility Policy:

1. Data Sharing Requirements

Mandatory Data Availability: Authors are required to make all data supporting the results of their research publicly available, provided this does not compromise ethical standards, participant confidentiality, or legal constraints.

Data Availability Statement: Each manuscript must include a Data Availability Statement detailing where and how the data can be accessed. This statement should specify the repository used and any conditions for access.

2. Recommended Data Repositories

Trusted Repositories: Authors are encouraged to deposit their data in recognized repositories that adhere to best practices in data preservation and accessibility.

Disciplinary Repositories: Where applicable, data should be stored in repositories specific to the research field to facilitate discovery and reuse.

3. Data Citation

Proper Attribution: All datasets should be cited in the reference list of the manuscript, including authors, year, title, repository, and DOI or other persistent identifiers.

In-Text Citations: Datasets should be cited within the text where relevant, similar to traditional bibliographic references.

4. Reproducibility

Methodological Transparency: Authors must provide comprehensive descriptions of their methodologies, including any software or tools used, to enable replication of results.

Code Sharing: When custom code or software is integral to the research, authors should make these resources available alongside the data, ensuring proper documentation for usability.

5. Exceptions and Limitations

Ethical and Legal Constraints: In cases where data cannot be shared due to ethical considerations, privacy concerns, or legal restrictions, authors must clearly state the reasons in the Data Availability Statement.

Alternative Access: When direct sharing is not feasible, authors should provide a detailed description of the data and consider mechanisms for controlled access upon reasonable request.

6. Compliance and Enforcement

Editorial Review: Compliance with this policy will be assessed during the peer review process. Manuscripts lacking a Data Availability Statement or failing to meet data sharing requirements may be returned to authors for revision.

Post-Publication: If issues regarding data availability arise after publication, authors are expected to address them promptly. Failure to comply may result in corrections, retractions, or other actions as deemed necessary by the editorial board.

By adhering to this policy, MAJ aims to enhance the integrity, transparency, and reproducibility of agricultural research, fostering a culture of openness and collaboration within the scientific community.


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