Madras Agricultural Journal
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Manuscript Submission and Peer Review Process of MAJ

The Madras Agricultural Journal (MAJ) is committed to upholding the highest academic integrity and excellence through a rigorous peer review process. This ensures that all submissions meet the journal’s quality, originality, and relevance standards.

1. Initial Submission and Quality Check (QC)

All submissions to MAJ undergo an initial Quality Check (QC), where manuscripts are reviewed for:

Manuscripts that do not meet these basic criteria are returned to authors for revision or rejection at this stage.

2. Editorial Assessment

3. Reviewer Selection

4. Peer Review Process

MAJ follows a structured peer review model, employing the rigorous double-anonymous peer review process

Review Criteria


5. Reviewer Feedback & Author Revisions

6. Decision Making

7. Resubmission & Final Review

8. Post-Review Verification & Publication

9. Ethics, Confidentiality & Reviewer Acknowledgment

This transparent and objective peer review process ensures that all published articles meet high academic and ethical standards, contributing to the integrity of the scholarly record.

10. Manuscript Turnaround Time

11. Acceptance Rate

Current Acceptance Rate: 60%

12. Continuous Policy Updates

The peer review policy is reviewed periodically to align with evolving best practices in scholarly publishing.

For inquiries, please contact us at


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