Madras Agricultural Journal
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A note on some Fodder Grasses of the Chingleput District


                                An account of the grass flora of the Chittoor, North Arcof and. South Arcot Districts has been already published in this journal. Some of the prominent fodder grosses met with in the Chingleput District are now listed and some lines of improvement of the grass flora are suggested. The present survey was made in Trivellore, Saidapet, Conjeevaram and Chingleput taluks, in December 1943. Chingleput is a sea cost district with the Bay of Bengal on the east, the Nellore District on the North, the South-Arcot District on the south and the North Arcot and Chittoor Districts on the west. It is almost a flat country with a maximum elevation of 300 feet above sea level in its western taluks of Trivellore and Conjeevaram. Here and there are some small hills. The district as a whole is not characterised by anything like a rich flora.

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