Madras Agricultural Journal
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Babul Planting in Tank Beds


                                Timber for agricultural purposes and fuel are in short supply and are gelling scarce, while the demand for them is on the increase, conséquently the price of timber and fuel is tending to sosr high and in some cases beyond the capacity of the poorer people. Transport is at present restricted, no doubt, but that alone is not the only factor.contributing to the scarcity. Wood is being used at a faster rate than the forests and the village sites can cope with. It is therefore necessary to think of methods of increasing the supply of wood immediately. The obvious remedy is planting trees. The trees selected should preferably be capable of growing, without much of attention and cultivation, in lands that could not be cultivated economic- ally. It is suggested that Babul (Acacia arabica) would answer the purpose and be ideal.

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