Madras Agricultural Journal
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Potato Cultivation


Patato is beina cultivated for food in many countries. The total production of potatoes in the world is 6,010 mil mau.ds which is twice as much as that of wheat, the main food grain of the waist and twice that of rice, the staple food of the east. The ancient Greeks and the Romans who were familiar with the growing of most of the grains and vegetables known to Empe do not however seem to have crown potatoes For at least over a thousand years before America was discovered by the Europeans, the potato seems to have been cultivated In Peru, Chili and other parts of South America. During the sixteenth century the potato 'entered the European continent through Spain which had already established contact with America, and from Spain it was introduced to Vienna, London and other centres in Europe. The sages of India who had developed a special aptitude for living on vegetables, fruits and roots made no mention of the potato as a food material



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