Madras Agricultural Journal
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The Sensitive Plant as Weed and its Control


                                Mimosa pudica, Linn., the common sensitive or touch-me-not plant, ordinarily grows in waste lands, field bunds and sides of channels on the West Coast. It is found to thrive well in hot moist situations and spreads rapidly, covering on an average. 36 sq. ft. of ground. Its prickly stem and branches, procumbent habit. and a hardy, tenacious root system make its eradication by ordinary, implements, troublesome as well as laborious. It proves a menace particularly in house compounds and shady porombokes where ginger, yam and other root-crops are grown. With the first soaking rains in May every year, a large number of the plants are seen to spring up. They sprout directly from seeds or, under favourable conditions, from old stalks. The. present paper deals with a study of its spread and the chemical means of control adopted at the Agricultural Research Station, Pattambi in South Malabar.

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