Madras Agricultural Journal
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Fasciated Pedicels in a Variety of Capsicum annuum. L.


                                The genus Capsicum comprises a wide range of forms varying in shape and pungency. Different degrees of importance have been attached to the morphological characters for taxonomical classification. The Index Kewensis recognises fiftyfour species, Roxburgh (1832) mentions six species, but modern systematists consider that there are only a few real species in the genus. Hooker (1885) recognises three species, namely Capsicum minimum, Roxb., C. grossum, Willd., and C.frutescens, L., and Irish (1898) has made it into two species namely C. annuum, L.; and C. frutescens, L. Shaw and Rahman (1928) agree with Irish and maintain the two species in their monograph. Bailey (1923) and Erwin (1931) have further reduced it to a solitary species, namely C. frutescens, L.

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