Madras Agricultural Journal
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The Intermediate Seasonal Cropping in Godavari Delta


                                The total area under paddy in the Godavari delta is 12,49,000 acres. In the double crop areas the first crop "Sarwa" is grown between June to November and the second crop "Dalwa" between February to May. The area alloted to the Dalwa erop is about 30 per cent of the first crop area of which the western delta alone contributes 1,30,000 neres. The water supply in the second crop season (Dalwa) is limited and in years of low rainfall it may run short before the maturity of the erop. Further the alternate wetting and drying caused by the inadequate water supply may tend to make the soil more alkaline due to lack of proper drainage especially, in low lying areas. The second erop was grown only in February since it is the firm conviction and experience of the ryots in the tract that paddies planted in the heavy delta clay in the months of November to January, when the cold easternly wind blow, fail and succeed only when planting is attempted when the southernly wind (pyru-gali) begins. The reasons attributed are, that the maturity of the erop is prolonged and the crop is subjected to insect ravages.

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