Madras Agricultural Journal
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Financial Aspects of the Madras Plan


                                Compared with the plans of other States, ours is the largest, that of Bombay coming next with Rs. 120 crores and the Uttar Pradesh coming third with Rs. 91 crores; but this fact does throw a proportionately heavier strain on our resources. The large bulk of our exponditure is on irrigation and power developement schemes (Rs. 80 crores) which would fetch to the exchequer a fair return on the sums invested. It would therefore be open to us to meet this portion of the expenditure, which is classified under the Capital head, from funds borrowed from the public to the extent open market operations are feasible during the five years. Even so, the sums ear-marked for the various welfare services, are beyond the present resources of the State and therefore resort will have to be had to additional taxation for implementing the plan in full.

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