Madras Agricultural Journal
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Causes of Poor Viability in a few Grass Seeds


                                The seeds of South Indian grasses have in general low percentages of germination; many of these have less than 40% viability and some even less than 10% (Chandrasekharan et al 1950; Rajesekhara Mudaliar et al 1954). Cenchrus ciliaris and Cenchrus setigerus which are the notable species of grasses of the Kangayam tract and which are recommended for development and improvement of pastures, have very poor germination. To find out the causes of the poor germination capacity of important grass seeds, their dormancy periods were first studied; it was found that these grasses showed satisfactory germination only after about 12 to 15 months of dormancy. While C. ciliaris gave 10-20% germination after one year of storage, C. setigerus gave a maximum of only 8% (Rajasekhara Mudaliar et al 1953), To find out whether the involucre of bristles of the spikeletes in the Cenchrus sp. has anything to do as mechanical barrier in the germination of seeds, these investigations were carried out.

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