Madras Agricultural Journal
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Lime for Paddy in Coorg


                                Rice is one of the most acid tolerant crops. Yet Mitsui (2) mentions that for a long time Japanese farmers have been laying great emphasis on the application of lime to paddy fields. He found that addition of lime remarkably increased nitrogen mineralisation and that 1100 kg. per hectare of slaked lime corresponds to the application of as much as 350 kg. of soybean cake per hectare. Govindarajan and Narayanan (1) report on the beneficial effect of liming for paddy. It was therefore thought worthwhile to try application of lime on acid soils in Coorg. The environmental and soil conditions here have been described by Subramaniam (4). Simple experiments in cultivators' fields were laid out on the broad lines described by Panse and Sukhatme (3) to find the crop's response to lime.

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