Madras Agricultural Journal
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Evolution of a Short Duration Strain in Tenai or Italian Millet (Setaria Italica Beauv.) by Hybridisation


                                The Evolution of a short duration crop is of special interest in view of its great importance in the efficient use of land in the rotation of crops. Tenai is one of the principal millets maturing in 100 to 110 days and gives as much yield of grain as the grain crops of the same duration. It can be grown throughout the year as it is not a season bound crop and in almost all types of soils. Early maturing crops will be most desirable for the gardenlands of Coimbatore, Salem and Madurai and for the dry tracts of south and North Arcot, Ramanathapuram and Chingleput districts. To meet such a requirement, the work on the evolution of short duration, strain in Tenai was commenced at the Millet Breeding Station, Coimbatore.

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