Madras Agricultural Journal
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Co. 32. An improved rice strain in Thiruchengode samba


                                The new rice strain Co. 32 isolated from variety Thiruchengode samba will benefit an area of about 40,000 acres in Kalingarayan channel ayacut of Erode taluk, Lower Bhavani project area and parts of Salem district. It has medium grain and white rice with a duration of 135 days from sowing to harvest and is suitable for growing during August-December season. It has recorded an average grain yield of 1653 kg. per acre at Paddy Breeding Station, Coimbatore and 1840 kg. of grain per acre in the district trials. Besides it has also better outturn of rice in hulling recording 78.5 per cent of rice to paddy by weight with an increase of 3.5 per cent over ryots' bulk. It also possesses desirable cooking qualities with an expansion of 4.2 times by weight and 5.5 times by volume, on cooking.

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