Madras Agricultural Journal
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Evolution of a New Strain of chillies (Capsicum annuum Linn) in Madras State


                                Chillies (Capsicum annuum Linn) is an important condiment and spice crop which is of commercial importance in Madras State. It is cultivated in an area of 67,100 hectares, normally with an estimated average production of 87,600 tonnes. The southern region, consisting of Madurai, Ramanathapuram and Tirunelveli districts has more than 50 per cent of the area under chillies in Madras State. In Madras State, chillies are raised mainly as an irrigated crop during the North East monsoon period. The crop is sown in September and retained in the field till May. There are pockets where the crop is also raised in summer season during April and in South West monsoon period during June. The green chillies are usually consumed as a vegetable, locally. The dry chillies are commercially more important and are marketed through important centres for internal consumption and also a small portion is exported to Ceylon, Indonesin etc.

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