Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on Oil, Protein and Free Fatty Acid Content (Titrable Acidity) of Bunch and Spreading Varieties of Groundnut


                                Groundnut is a rich source of protein and oil. The varietal and seasonal differences of the departmental strains TMV 1 (spreading) and TMV 2 (bunch) were sought to be examined in the light of their protein, oil and free fatty acid (titrable acidity) contents. In the metabolism of oil synthesis and protein, interesting aspects have been dealt with, such as formation of fats with concomitant disappearance of mannitol and reduction of protein in olive seed (Sahastrabudhe and Kale, 1933), balance of protein and oil in soyabean (Stark, 1924), association of genetic constitution on the synthesis of storage protein and oil in cotton seed as also nitrogen supply as an environmental factor (Eaton and Ergle, 1952; Tharp et al., 1949). The protein-oil balance was examined in sesamum too (Kinnmann and Stark, 1954) with reference to variety and location of cultivation.

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