Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on the Seed Disinfection of White Tip Nematode, Aphelenchoides besseyi Christie with Certain Common Pesticides


                                Seed disinfection studies were conducted in the laboratory for the control of rice white tip nematode with different pesticides. Among the wettable powders, carbofuran, aldicarb sulfone and methomyl (Lannate) had shown high percentage of nematode morta- lity with 11 to 29 per cent reduction in germination. The granular formulations of phorate, aldicarb, carbofuran and fensul fothion had recorded highest mortality of nematoda with 90 per cent germination. Among emulsifiable concentrates, parathion, methyl demeton, fenthion, fenitrothion and Ortho-Bux caused 47.5 to 51.9 per cent mortality of nematode. There was 100 per cent germination in fenthion treated seeds whereas it ranged from 78 to 99 per cent in other treatments.

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