Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Manual Cutting of Typha angustata (Bory & Chub) at Various Stages and Seasons on its Regeneration


                                For eradicating Typha angustata, the most troublesome submerged wood of Chambal Command Area, experiments on the effect or various manual cuttings on its regeneration were conducted at Nanta Farm, Kota. The cuttings were made abovo and below water level at vegetative, flowering and fruiting stages and also in various seasons at different intervals. Cutting below water level at flowering stage was superior to cuttings above water level at vegetative and fruiting stages. The three cuttings at 30 days interval during the rainy season were better than cuttings made in winter and summer seasons at 45 or 120 day intervals. The per cent regeneration after six months of completion of three monthly cuttings in rainy season was only 8.2, while in the case of winter and summer seasons the figures were 104.0 and 53.3 respectively. The 4-12 unplanned cuttings started in seasons other than rainy season could not bring the regeneration to such a low level.

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