Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on the Varietal Response to Nitrogen in Chilli


                                Field experiments were laid out with chilli varieties namely K. 1, B. 24-A2, 618-14. C63-A5 and Local Gundu, with graded doses of nitrogen, ie: 30. 60, 90, 120 and 150 kg per ha with control. Phosphorus and potash were kept constant at the level of 35 kg in each. Nitrogen was applied in two split doses on 30th and 60th day after transplanting The pooled analysis showed that not much differenca was found among the varieties except Local Gundu. The interaction between season and variety showed that B. 24-A2 was high yielding in summer season. Local Gundu has recorded significantly lower yields. There was progressive increase of yield of dry pads with increase in nitrogen level. The treatment receiving 150 kg N recorded an yield of 1749 kg dry pods per ha which works out a mone- tary return of Rs. 5865/- per ha compared to Rs. 885/- in the control.

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