Madras Agricultural Journal
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Nitrogen and Phosphorus Needs of Gram (Cicer arietinum L.) Along with Bacterial Fertilization


                                The study on the response of bacterial fertilization to gram with differnt and P levels has shown that: (1) Gram responds favourably to the inoculation and fi and I Fer- tilization. Inoculation increased the grain and straw yields by 12.4 and 9.5 per cont over no inoculation and no fertilizer N and P application, respectively. (2) Inoculation along with 80 or 120 kg P2O5/ha alone or with 15 kg N/ha as starter dose was statistically equally effective to nitrogen fertilization @ 15 or 30 kg with 80 or 120 kg P205 in respect of yield and N and P content of plants and (3) Inoculation along with 80 kg PD. proved to be the most economic combination which could increase 33 per cent grain yield over control, 18.6 per cent over inoculation alone and 11.8 per cent over inoculation with 40 kg P2O5.

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