Madras Agricultural Journal
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Response of Low Land Rice to Some Package of Practices


                                In the two successive seasons of Kuruval and Samba 1975 and 1976 an experi- ment adopting split plot design was conducted to test the adaptability of some package of practices developed in the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University for low-land rice. When the sowings are delayed the variety Vaigai was found cuperior to Kannagi in the Kuruval season. Between the Samba varieties Co.40 was found to be a high yielder when compared to the ruling variety Co.25. Working sheep foot roller was found not helpful in both the seasons in saving either irrigation water or in increasing yield under the heavy soil conditions of Aduthurai. There was very little differencas seen in the two methods of fertilization; and there was also no yield advantage for Azotobacter treatment in both the seasons.

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