Madras Agricultural Journal
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Induced Polygenic Mutation in Ragi" (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.)


                                Two ragi genotypes MS 2698 (Bihar) and Sarada (Andhra Pradesh) were treated with N-methyl-N-nitroso N-nitroguanidine, The mean, genetic variance, heritability and genetic advance were estimated in the M_{1} and M_{3} generation of these treated genotypes for seven metrical traits. In general, the mean values of most of the treatments in M and M_{3}' did not substantially deviate from the control, There was, an increase in the genetic variance both in the M_{2} and M S - The M_{3} variance of plant height was higher than that of M * . For all the other characters studied, the M_{3} variance was less than the M + variance. The heritability and genetic advance values were higher in the treatmer.ts than in the Control. Short duration mutants in Sarada and bold-seeded mutants in MS 2698 were obtained as a result of these investigations.

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