Madras Agricultural Journal
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Response of Some Promising Maize Varieties to Nitrogen Levels under Irrigated Condition


                                In a study twelve maize tyons (4 hybrids, 7 compesites, and one local) with four nitrogen levels (0,60.120 180 kg N/hat were tried in two sessons at Satpure plateau of M. P. Deccan-101. LH-400175 and B-6 gave the high yields of 27.2, 25.3 and 24.2 g/ha with net-profit of Rs. 1432 Rs. 1223 and Rs. 1102/he respectively. Nitrogen upto 150 kg/ha produced 283 g/ha more grain yield with Rs. 2342/ho more net profit over no nitrogen. These types in combination with 180 kg N/ha vialdad 44.8, 40.6 and 43.1 q/ha with net-profit of Rs. 3048, Rs. 2586 and 2861/ha respectively.

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