Madras Agricultural Journal
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Economics of Sugarcane Juice 'Rasawanti'


                                In Urban areas, number of sugarcane juice Rasawanti (Sugarcane juice Stalls) is increasing, not only because of the liking of sugarcane juice among the people but also duo to its substitutive valua for costlier drinks processed from citrus fruits. pine applos, mangoes, grapes and even other soft drinks. Running a sugarcane juice Rasawanti though is a seasonal and small scale concern, brings in good returns to the owner, Agricultural College, Pune (Maharashtra) Sugercane Juice Rasawanti gave a net profit of Rs. 10241.69 and Rs. 13301,98 during the years 1975 and 1976 respectively. When the selling of sugar- cane in rasawanti was compared with selling it to the sugar factory, an additional net receipts of Rs. 10671.85 and Rs. 13575.30/ha were obtained during first and second year respectively. The quantum of net profit resulted into very high rates of returns to capital and proved that the investment in this small scale business was highly paying. The present state of this small scale agro-industry offers good potentiality for bottling the juice on commercial lines.

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