Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Irrigation and Fertilizer use on Nitrogen Fractions in Sundhia Jowar (S 1049)


                                Sundhie Jowar is widely grown in Gujarat because of its good qualities such as quick maturity, profuss tillering and its high protein content. The important fectors which influence the quality of fodder are roit moisture and nutrient availability. Coth quality and yield will bs affected if any one of these are in short supply. Restricted moisture supply and heavy nitrogen applications may retard the conversion of absorbed nitrogen into protein, Isading to the accumulation of nitrogen in different forms. When the cattle is fed on this type of todder there is often a possibility of death of the animal. This study has been undertaken to sas the effect of irrigation intervals and fertilization ( and P) on the nitrogen fractions in the Sundhia jowar.

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