p-ISSN: 0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol: 70, Issue: may-may,
In the context of the present fertilizer demand and supply position in the country as well. as the status of the general cultivator to withstand the high cost of recommended doses of fertilizers, it was necessary to ascertain the most economical as well as effective doses giving maximum benefit cost (B:C) ratio out of the crop growth Though maximum yield potential and net return was achieved out of 100 Kg N and 30 Kg P,O,/ha in wheat considering the factors 33% of the above N dos has given best B:C ratio of 6 44 & 9 25 in respective years as compared to 25% 50% and the recommended doce. It is, therefore, recommended that under stress conditions of fertilizer supply and the purchasing capacity of the cultivator 33% of the recommended dose should be applied atleast than leaving unfertilized crop.
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