Madras Agricultural Journal
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Co. 1. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)


                                A dwarf version of sunflower (70 cm) maturing in 65 days has been developed from an accession "Cernianka-66" of Russian origin. In various on-farm trial in the cultivators' fields it recorded mean yields of 923 and 804 kg/ha under irrigated and rainfed conditions respectively. An average yield of 1126 kg/ha was realised in large scale demonstration plots. The short duration and dwarf plant type permit a closer spacing, 30 x 15 cm to be optium as against the normal spacing of 30x30 cm for the other varie-" ties so as to maintain a larger population. This earliest maturing genotype fit to be ai sed in the kharif, rabi and summer seasons has been released as CO. 1. sunflower. The mean per day production of this variety is 17.7 kg/ha under irrigated and 13,8 kg/ha under rainfed condition. It is well suited for being raised as a catch crop in garden lands.

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