p-ISSN:0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol:71, Issue:jul-jul
DOI: nature and magnitude of association among 9 characters, 3 of which were measured in the early stage and the rest at harvest due to the components of varia- tion-general combinig ability, specific combining ability, reciprocal, maternal and non- maternal effects-was studied in two F1 diallel sets of crosses in groundnut Pod yield, seed yield, 100 kernel weight and shelling per cent were positively and signifi cantly correlated among themselves for all components of variation. Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that pod yield, shelling per cent and 100-kernel weight were the major components to explain the variation in kernel yield: In addition, leaf area and specific leaf weight measured on 15-day old seedling were also found to be Importment in one diallel. The favourable correlations among direct yield compa- nents have to be complemented by their desirable association with other characters spanning the growth phase of the plant, if direct selection for pod yield were to bo successful. The contribution of reciprocal and maternal effects to the strength of character association was found to be significant.
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