p-ISSN:0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol:82, Issue:jun-aug
DOI: male sterile lines of pear milet and six inbreds were evaluated for their combining ability in a line x tester mating design. The GCA and SCA variance focussed the importance of non- additive effects for days to 50 per cent flowering, panicle girth and grain yield per plant indicating heterosis breeding for yield improvement. For plant height and humber of productive tillers, both the components were almost equal. Among lines, 834A and Pb405A were good combiner for yield and 338A and Pb302A for early flowering. The testers PIB 2231P, PT 1921 and K560-230 were good combiner for grain yield per plant. The hybrid 834AxPIB 2231P showing highest mean expression and sca effect for grain yield offered scope for exploitation of heterosis.
Key words : Combining Ability, Pearl Millet, Male Sterile Lines.
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