p-ISSN: 0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol: 82, Issue: feb-feb,
Four lines were crossed with fifteen testers and the resultant sixty hybrid combinations, were evaluated along with their parents for heterosis, for fruit yield and their component characters. Observations were recorded on 12 yield component characters. Appreciable amount of heterosis was observed for all the characters under study. The Fi hybrids L3 x Ti (Pusa Visesh x MC.13) L2 x Ta (MC. 84 x MDU.1), and L1 x T) (DFH. 21 x MC.13) gave the highest fruit yield per vine and they showed 65.74, 61.92 and 48.04 per cent heterosis for yield over the standard variety (MC.84). The best performing F1 hybrid of the study L3 x T1 (Pusa Visesh x MC.13) recorded 65.74 per cent heter osis over the standard variety (MC.84) and 49.00 per cent heterosis over the better parent (MC.13).
Keywords: Bitter Gourd, Hetorosis
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