Madras Agricultural Journal
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Attitude of Rural Youth Towards Agriculture


                                Agriculture is critical to future food security. With global expectations, it should play a huge role in feeding the world population, which will likely exceed nine billion by 2050. Engaging rural youth in agriculture is the only key to meet the world’s food crisis. But their perceptible unenthusiastic attitude towards agriculture is a source of concern and challenge to the future of agriculture in India. Considering this point of view, an attitudinal study was conducted among 180 migrant rural youths with agricultural background for assessing their attitude towards agriculture. An attitude scale was developed by using equal appearing interval method. It was evident from the study that nearly three fourth (72.45%) of the rural youth possessed a less favourable to moderately favourable attitude towards agriculture. Independent variables like possession of farm skill, farm size, economic motivation, comfort expectancy, affiliation expectancy and stimulation expectancy had positively favoured their attitude towards agriculture.

Key words : Rural youth, Attitude, Agriculture


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