Madras Agricultural Journal
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An attempt was made to develop a granular VA mycorrhizal inoculum for easy application to polythene bags as well as nursery raised plants. The clay was used as a substrate for preparation of granules. The granules were prepared with VA-mycorrhizal fungi individually and in combination with Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria. The shelf life of granular formulation of VAM fungi with Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria. The shelf life of granular formulation of VAM fungi with Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria was tested and found that there is a possibility of storing the granules upto 60 days. The response to inoculation of granular formulation prepared with all the three inoculants was superior than two inoculants or uninoculated control.

Keywords: Granular inoculum, VAM fungi, Azospirillum. Phosphobacteria


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