Madras Agricultural Journal
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Industrial locale: Facing threats to employment status in agriculture


                                The environmental deterioration is increasing with the acceleration of industrialisation and thus cause substantial harmful effects not only for the whole society but also for the very existence and survival of the farming community. The present study was carried out with the objective of analysing the changing trend, over a period of time and factors involved with regard to nature of occupation, extent of employment in agriculture and extent of cultivation, in the Pondicherry region of Union of Pondicherry. The observations were analysed in comparison with a non-industrialised zone, having similar agro-economic background. Factors favoring intensive and/or extensive agriculture were analysed and compared. Some remedial measures as suggested by the farming community are detailed to over come the problems.

Key words : Nature of occupation, Status of employment, Extent of cultivation, Industrialised zone, Non Industrialised zone


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