Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Pre-harvest Treatments on Storage and Quality of Aggregatum Onion in Ventilated Storage Structure


                                The effects of pre-harvest treatments on long term storage of aggregatum onion (Allium cepa L. var. aggregatum) cv. CO(On)5 were studied. Thirteen pre-harvest treatments viz., cycocel, ethrel and kinetin were used individually and also in combination with ridomil, sprayed at different levels at 15 and 30 d before harvest for improving the quality and storage life of aggregatum onion. Harvested bulbs were pre-cured in the field for three days and in shade for two days. Onion bulbs retained with 2 cm neck length recorded ower reduction of physiological loss in weight and control of sprouting. Cured bulbs were stored under low cost, bottom ventilated storage structure for three months for assessing the quality and shelf life. Among the pre-treatments, application of cycocel @ 200 ppm + ridomil @ 0.2% spray at 30 d before harvest and stored with 2 cm neck length in low cost, bottom ventilated storage structure showed increased shelf life with aggregatum onion cv. CO(On)5.

Key words : Pre-treatment, Aggregatum onion, Ventilated storage, Quality


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