Madras Agricultural Journal
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Judicious nutrient management for irrigated tomato in red loamy sand soil


                                Field experiments were conducted to optimize the fertilizer schedule for tomato under irrigated condition in red loamy sand soil. The encouraging response of tomato to N and K could be well visualized with significantly higher fruit yield. Application of 80-60-40 kg N2 P2O5 and K2O ha-1 was optimum in increasing the yield and uptake of tomato. The T.S.S was altered by P and K levels and not. by the N levels. The acidity was found to be independent of nutrient levels. The soil available IN varied markedly among the N levels while the P availability was influenced by P and K levels. The uptake of nutrients was markedly influenced by the N and K levels as compared to P fertilization.

Key words : Irrigated tomoto, Fertilizer, Yield, Uptake, Nutrients, Acidity


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