Madras Agricultural Journal
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Influence of nitrogen and potassium on incidence of sheath rot and crop yield in rice (Oryza sativa L.)


                                A field experiment was conducted during late kharif 1999 to study the influence of nitrogen and potassium on the incidence of sheath rot and crop yield in rice revealed that the disease incidence increased with increase in nitrogen level from 0 to 300 kg ha while decreased with increased potassium level from 0 to 140 kg ha', The number of infected tillers and grains were more with 300 kg of nitrogen and 0 kg of potassium and were less in plants treated with higher levels of K (140 kg ha¹) irrespective of nitrogen level. Application of 300 Kg N and 140 Kg K ha recorded significantly higher grain yield of 3909 kg ha compared to 0 kg N and 0 Kg K ha (2900 kg ha"). Higher grain yield of 3623 kg ha was recorded in CV NLR 30491 compared to NLR 33633 (3288 kg ha¹).

Key words : Nitrogen, Potassium, Sheath rot, Crop yield.


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