Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on growth, yield and quality of tomato hybrids under green house


Investigations were carried out in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum, Mill) with two hybrids SH 7611 and Arka Abijith to study the quantitative characters so as to develop a suitable production package for hybrid tomato under greenhouse. Experiments were carried out during two seasons viz. Summer and kharif in the greenhouse available at College Orchard, Horticultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. A set of standard packages for growing an indeterminate hybrid tomato (SH 7611) in green house was used as a check and in the different packages, one of the components for the respective package was modified so as to study its effect on growth, yield and quality of hybrid tomato under protected cultivation. Based on the observations on yield, quality and physiological parameters, the treatment with growing medium, soil: Compost: Sand (2:1:1), irrigation regime 20 Kpa, basal application of 50: 50: 50: kg hat NPK with Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria water soluble fertilizers (250: 250: 250 kg ha NPK) and mulching is recommended for cultivation of the hybrid SH 7611 under greenhouse.

Keywords: Greenhouse, Tomato, Media, Fertigation, Mulching, Irrigation regime.


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