Madras Agricultural Journal
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In search of alternative source of edible oil, biofertilizer and tannin


                                Terminalia belerica Roxb known as Bahera, found abundant in tropical, Asia, is a source of new edible oil (37% by dry weight of kernel), biofertilizer and tannin and has not been totally explored. The oilcake contains high amount of nitrogen (8.34%). On biochemical evaluation of the oil cake it is evident that about 60 per cent NaCl extractable proteins digestible which can be converted into biofertilizer or some useful fodder. The extractable high quality tannin present in fruit pulp can be used in leather industry and herbal medicines. The different processes for the extraction of tannin have been discussed.

Key words : Bahera oil, Biofertilizer and Tannin.


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