Madras Agricultural Journal
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Performance of ICGV 92093 Groundnut culture for rabi-summer season in Tamil Nadu.


                                In Tamil Nadu groundnut is having an area of 9.58 lakh hectares with the production of 14.41 lakh tonnes and the productivity of 1504 kg/ha. All India area coverage under groundnut is 228.49 lakh hectares with a production of 207.34 lakh tonnes and the productivity of 907 kg/ha. In our state, nearly 15-22% of the area under groundnut is irrigated in the Rabi-summer season. The yield potential is naturally higher than any other season. There are suitable varieties for kharif seasons viz., VRI 2, VRI 3 and VRI 4 but only one variety viz., VRI Gn 5 is found suitable for Rabi/summer season. But this variety has the disadvantage of dormancy and has high oil content which reduces the germination percent very fast during storage. Hence to over come above defects, a culture viz., ICGV 92093 has been identified and found suitable for rabi summer season.

Key words : Groundnut, culture, ICGV 92093, Rabi/Summer season


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