Indian mango is a special product that substantiates the high standardsof quality and bountiful of nutrients packed in it. Mango, affectionatelycalled King of Fruits is the National fruit of India. Mango accounts for 40per cent of the total fruit exports from the country. There is good scope forincreasing the area and productivity of mango in the country. The presentinvestigation was carried out in Krishnagiri district of Tamil Nadu with theprimary objective of assessing the adoption level of the mango growers onthe recommended technologies. Two blocks viz., Mathur and Uthangaraiwere purposively selected for the study, which have the maximum areaunder mango cultivation. Proportionate random sampling method was usedto select 146 sample respondents from eight identified villages. Significantfindings of the study revealed that cent per cent of respondents had adoptedthe recommended cultivation practices such as field preparation, seasonof planting, method of planting, conventional system of planting, manures,and fertilizers. Bangalora and Senthura were the prominent varietiesadopted by them. Little more than ninety per cent of the respondentshad adopted the practice of intercropping and few recommended plantprotection technologies. Cent per cent of the respondents had not adoptedthe recommended post-harvest technologies.
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