Coimbatore district in Tamil Nadu, renowned for its lush greenery, has seen rapid population growth and unchecked development in recent times, leading to a decline in urban green spaces and increased environmental concerns. To address this, rooftop gardening has been proposed as a sustainable and cost-effective solution. This study aimed to evaluate the perception and attitude towards rooftop gardens among urban residents of Coimbatore district. A descriptive quantitative study was conducted, in which sampling of 80 respondents was done through systematic sampling method with a pre tested well - structured interview schedule. Data analysis involved SPSS and MS Excel, focusing on descriptive statistics. Results showed that the majority of respondents (85%) had favourable attitudes towards rooftop gardening, while a very few had an unfavourable attitude (3.3%). In terms of perceptions, three-quarte rs (75%) had positive views, and in terms of overall negative perception (54%) showing negative views. However, half of the respondents (54%) on overall perceptions still held negative views towards rooftop gardening. Thus, effective policy interventions and collaborative efforts involving government and municipal authorities are necessary to promote the acceptance of rooftop gardens among urban residents. Urbanisation is a worldwide occurrence that is changing the human settlement landscape by causing a reduction in green spaces and rise in population concentrations. Rooftop gardening has evolved as an acceptable answer to the environmental problems brought about by increased urbanisation. It additionally improves urban aesthetics and also helps with food security, biodiversity protection, and climate resilience. Not withstanding its possible advantages, urban residents attitudes and perception towards rooftop gardening differ greatly depending on socio-cultural settings, economic status, and environmental awareness.
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