A field experiment was conducted at wetland farm of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, during the summer of 2022 to study the influence of different levels of basal nitrogen in combination with foliar fertilization of various concentrations of nano and conventional urea on dry matter production, nutrient uptake of green gram and post-harvest availability of soil nutrients. The experiment was framed in a factorial randomized block design comprising of two factors (N and F) with four levels under each factor. Basal nitrogen levels viz., N1 - 100% RDN (25 kg N ha-1 ), N2 - 80% RDN (20 kg N ha-1 ), N3 - 60% RDN (15 kg N ha-1 ) and N4 - Absolute nitrogen control (0 kg N ha-1) were assigned under factor N. Likewise, foliar nutrition practices viz., F1 - Nano urea @ 2 mL litre-1 of water, F2 - Nano urea @ 3 mL litre-1 of water, F3 - Nano urea @ 4 mL litre-1 of water, F4 - 1% conventional urea were assigned under factor F which were sprayed at flower initiation (FI) stage and 15 days thereafter. All the treatment combinations were replicated thrice. The results of the field experiment indicated that basal application of 100% and 80% RDN in combination with foliar spray of nano urea @ 4 mL litre-1 of water at FI stage and 15 days thereafter significantly recorded the maximum dry matter production and higher uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. As the performance of both the treatment combinations was almost comparable, the adoption of reduced dose, i.e., application of 80% RDN integrated with foliar feeding of nano urea @ 4 mL litre-1 of water at FI stage and 15 days thereafter, would be effective in maximizing the dry matter production and nutrient uptake by greengram.
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