Madras Agricultural Journal
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September(7-9) 2024

Climate Smart Agriculture Awareness among Farm Women in Ratnagiri District


                                It is crucial to empower farm women to respond to climate changechallenges. Recognising and promoting awareness about the genderdimensions of climate change all contribute to effective climate changeadaptation. Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is one interdisciplinary strategyfor addressing the interconnected challenges of food security and climatechange, with the clear goal of increasing food security, productivity and income,adaptability to climate change, and agricultural system efficiency. The studyintended to assess the awareness level of farm women on climate-smartagriculture, taking indicators on climate change, causes of climate change,and climate variables influencing the production as major dimensions. Thesample comprised 30 farm women chosen at random from two villages inthe Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra. The majority of the respondents, viz90.00 percent, 73.33 percent, and 70.00 percent, had a medium level ofawareness of indicators on climate change, causes of climate change, andclimate variables influencing production, respectively. More than half ofthe respondents fell into the middle category in terms of age, education,family size, and annual income. 66.67 percent of respondents had nuclearfamilies, and the remaining possessed joint families. 56.67 percent of farmwomen were members of a single organization, while 43.33 percent weremembers of multiple organizations.

Key words : Climate change, Awareness. Farm workers, Productivity , Adaptability


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