Author:Arpita Sharma Kandpal
DOI: has become a pivotal element across various domains includingScience, Technology, Industry, Healthcare, and Education. It’s the driving forcebehind innovation and progress. Within the educational sector, any researchendeavours are underway to nurture students’ talents in schools, colleges,and Universities. Governments are actively supporting these efforts throughfunding agencies to harness the potential of the student community. One suchinitiative at the college and university levels involves encouraging researchscholars to publish their work in indexed journals, thereby enhancing theirknowledge and expertise in their respective fields. In this context, a study hasbeen initiated to identify the factors influencing research scholars to publishtheir articles in indexed journals, recognizing it as an essential pursuit.The study focuses on a sample of 50 research scholars from GBPUA&T,Pantnagar. Its aim is to uncover the primary factors motivating these scholarsto contribu
Key words : Publication; Articles; Indexed; Journals; Research Scholars
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