Author:S. Kokilavani, GA. Dheebakaran, N.K. Sathyamoorthy, T. Sankar, P. Priyanka, K.J.D. Karthika, C. Musierose, M. Selva Kumar,C. Guruanand to global warming, a drying and warming trend has been observedover the last 30 years in Tamil Nadu, India, which could significantly affectthe condensation of vapor in surfaces. The seasonal (October to February)dew events for the year 1998-99 recorded the highest (86) while 2019-20registered the lowest (34) value which might be due to obstructed cloud coverthat have resulted in warmer nights prevailed in the region. The monthly dewdeposition was found to be higher during October and November where thevalue of 0.21mm and 0.27mm was realized. The Mann- Kendal test revealedthat during the months of December, January and February decrease in dewdeposition was observed at the rate of -1.8mm (significant at 1 per centlevel), -2.8 mm (significant at 10 per cent level) and -2.2 mm (significant at 5per cent level) . Interestingly, during may month, the dew deposition showedan increase in trend of 1.8 mm (significant at 1 per cent level) for Coimbatoredistrict of Tamil Nadu
Key words : Dew events, Dew deposition, Climate Change, Dew
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