Madras Agricultural Journal
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June(4-6) 2024

Effect of Varied Levels of Gibberellin, Anti-Gibberellin and Cytokinin on Growth and Tuberization in Potato


                                Plant hormones play a significant role in potato tuberization. While Gibberellins inhibit tuberization, anti-gibberellins (PBZ and CCC) and cytokinins promote tuberization in potato. The experiment demonstrated the clear roles of these hormones in facilitating tuberization in potato. Treatment with 25 ppm GA significantly increased plant height (44.56 cm) compared to the control (32.22 cm), while CCC, a Gibberellins (GA) inhibitor, reduced the plant height by inhibiting GA-induced stem elongation. Hormonal treatments affected the number of nodes, leaves, branches, SPAD readings, stem girth, root length and root weight with significantly higher values observed compared to the control. 50 ppm GA showed the highest number of stolons per plant (6.33), but surprisingly resulted in a few tubers per plant (1.7) compared to the control (1.8). However, both 5 ppm and 10 ppm BAP led to significantly more tubers per plant (2.1 and 3.2 respectively), as did 5 ppm and 10 ppm Kinetin (2.8 and 2.6 respectively). Regarding tuber fresh weight, all treatments except CCC and higher concentration of kinetin showed significantly higher fresh weight compared to control. In summary, 50 ppm Gibberellins increased the stolon number, while 10 ppm BAP increased the tuber number and fresh weight in potato.

Key words : Potato , Plant Hormone , Gibberellins ,Anti-gibberellins , Cytokinin , Tuberization


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