Madras Agricultural Journal
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June(4-6) 2024

The Impact of Yellow Stem Borer, Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) on Local Rice Landraces: Screening for Resilience


                                Field evaluation of 50 local landraces against paddy yellow stemborer (YSB), Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) was carried out at theCollege of Agriculture, V.C. Farm, Mandya during Kharif 2022. Theper cent of damage by YSB on different genotypes was evaluatedat 30, 60 and 90 days after transplanting (DAT). Based on themean per cent incidence genotypes were grouped into differentresistance categories using the Standard Evaluation System for Rice(SES) developed by IRRI. Results revealed ten genotypes exhibitingresistance with a damage score of 1, while 25 genotypes showedmoderate resistance (score 3). Additionally, ten genotypes displayedmoderate susceptibility (score 5), and five genotypes were susceptible(score 7) to YSB infestation. Notably, none of the genotypes wereclassified as highly resistant or highly susceptible. Promising resistantand moderately resistant genotypes, including Chinna Ponni – 5,Jeerige Sanna, Karimundaga, Kyasakki, Kariga Javele, Kari Doddi,Kari Dodi Budda, Laalya, Murkanna Sanna, and Sidda Sanna, wereidentified, offering potential for incorporation into breeding programsaimed at enhancing YSB resistance in rice cultivars.

Key words : Scirpophaga incertulas, Screening, Local landraces and Resistance breeding


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