March(1-3) 2024
Malnutrition and Hunger in South Asia: A Historical and Contemporary Analysis
Author:Vinod Kumar Singh
Malnutrition is a blot on India’s quest for development and sovereignty.India’s desire to be a developed nation by 2047 based on humancentricdevelopment is questionable without eradicating the problem ofmalnutrition. This article discusses the malnutrition and hunger in SouthAsia, particularly in India. The concept and problem of malnutrition havetransformed from a colonial to a contemporary period. The article shows thatmalnutrition, once a problem of rural India, has transformed itself into a pan-India phenomenon. The hunger, poverty, and global development goals havereformulated the problem of nutrition and its associated solutions. The articlealso speaks about the dilemma of policymakers and experts to have a stableunderstanding of the nutrition problem. However, the need for a shift towardsindigenous food systems to address the problem of malnutrition sprang upafter the Green Revolution. The issues of geographical specificities, localgovernance structures, and basic infrastructural problems are adding to thecomplexities of malnutrition. This paper introduces the problematisation ofnutritional problems in India after the Green Revolution.
Key words : Malnutrition, Green Revolution, Hunger, Poverty, Sustainable Development Goals