March(1-3) 2024
Examining the Unregulated Use of Hormonal Preparations in Animal Reproduction
Author:Akhter Rasool, K.Porteen, T.Sarath,Keerthana Joshy B
play a pivotal role in addressing diverse reproductivedisorders in domestic animals, with their prevalence surpassingantibiotics in daily veterinary practice. Hormonal preparations arefrequently administered to restore animals’ reproductive capabilities,contingent upon precise diagnostic procedures. It is imperative to eschewthe indiscriminate utilization of hormones, which may serve as a facadefor managerial issues or purportedly enhance production performance.To ensure optimal breeding outcomes, meticulous records of diagnosesand treatments must be maintained. Inappropriate use of pharmaceuticalpreparations for manipulating breeding cycles, especially when notadministered in accordance with veterinary guidelines, should bediscouraged due to its potential to significantly reduce the overall fertilityof breeding stock. Rather than relying on hormones for the treatment ofreproductive ailments, the adoption of sound management practices isadvocated to enhance animal health and fertility. Furthermore, consumerinterest in animal health and welfare is on the rise, coinciding with ethicalconcerns regarding the utilization of hormones in animal reproduction.This review comprehensively addresses the indiscriminate use ofhormonal preparations in animal reproduction.
Key words : Animal reproduction, Endocrine disruptors, Hormones, Infertility