Madras Agricultural Journal
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March(1-3) 2024

Transforming Agriculture through Nanotechnology: A Comprehensive Overview


                                Nanotechnology has emerged as a transformative force in agriculture,offering innovative solutions to address critical challenges in foodproduction, sustainability, and resource management. This comprehensiveoverview explores the multifaceted impact of nanotechnology onagriculture, providing insights into its potential to revolutionize the sectorand by elucidating the fundamental principles of nanotechnology and itsapplicability in agriculture, emphasizing nanomaterials’ unique propertiesthat enable precise manipulation at the molecular and nanoscale levels. Itexplores diverse applications, including nanoparticle-based nutrient deliverysystems, nanoencapsulation for controlled release of agrochemicals,and the development of nanosensors for real-time monitoring of crophealth and environmental parameters. Furthermore, this delves intothe emerging field of precision farming enabled by nanotechnology,where data-driven decision-making and targeted interventions optimizeresource utilization, minimize environmental impacts, and maximizecrop yields. It examines the potential of nano pesticides in integratedpest management, highlighting their eco-friendly nature and reducedenvironmental contamination. Nanotechnology’s role in soil managementand remediation is also discussed, showcasing its capacity to improve soilhealth, remediate contaminated lands, and enhance nutrient availability.The review sheds light on the application of nanofertilizers, which notonly enhance nutrient use efficiency but also mitigate nutrient runoff,contributing to sustainable agriculture. While nanotechnology holdsimmense promise, it is imperative to consider safety and environmentalimplications. This examines the challenges and regulatory considerationssurrounding the use of nanomaterials in agriculture, emphasizingthe need for responsible development and rigorous risk assessment.

Key words : Nanotechnology; Agriculture; Nano fertilizer; Nano application; Agrochemicals; Crop production


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